Message for Friend

*Introduction is possible any time, love is possible sometime. Marriage is possible 1 time. But a sweet friend like u are possible once in a lifetime.

*Stones r many but diamonds r rare. Singles r many but pairs r rare. Tears r many but smiles r rare. Friends r many but like u r rare.

*Be a poet when u r alone, Be a king when u command , Be a scientist when u work, Be a lover when u c arts, Be a history when u die & Be my FRIEND until i die..........


Once a fox invited a stork to have dinner with him . While the stork came to dinner with the fox , she was served with nothing but some light soup in a shallow dish . The fox was having another dish and he lapped up the soup readily while the stork was unable to take the soup with her long beak . At the end of the dinner she left the place in empty stomach.
As they were parting the fox professed his regret saying that his guest had eaten so sparingly tha the feared the dish was not prepared to her satisfaction .
The stork replied, “ There is nothing to ask apology for , my friend. I have had a most interesting evening . I also invite you to visit my house & dine with me , ok?”
At the appointed day when the fox arrived , the stork ordered the dinner to be bought in. But when the dinner was served, the fox found to his dismay that it was contained in a very long necked jar with a narrow mouth . The stork had no problem to thrust her long bill in to the jar & enjoy the dinner , but the fox could not do so. He had to be contented with licking the neck of the jar.
At the time of departure, the fox said, “What behaviour is this, friend stork ?” The stork replied, “Please don’t mind Mr. Fox , this is the behaviour which I learnt from you.”


Motivational Quotes

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?
-Robert Browning

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing -
that's why we recommend it daily
-Zig Ziglar

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a
keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything.
-Napoleon Hill

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they
can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of
-Norman Vincent Peale

Men are born to succeed, not fail.
-Henry David Thoreau

What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is
rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our
beliefs about who we are
-Anthony Robbins

Motivational Quotes

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
-Mark Twain

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them
into the impossible.
-Arthur C. Clarke

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Fortune favours the brave.
-Publius Terence

Motivational Quotes

The secret of getting ahead is getting started
-Mark Twain

For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not
me? Why not now?

-James Allen

Issue a blanket pardon. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you in any way.
Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act. It sets you free from the past

-Brian Tracy

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for
something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how
really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with
your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured
-Earl Nightingale

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though
chequered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither
enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Motivational Quotes

.The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and
actions show that he knows where he is going

-Napoleon Hill

.Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself
-James Allen

.The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss
it, but that it is too low and we reach it


.Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose
-John Kehoe

.Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things,
but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave
their future in someone else's hands, but not you
-Jim Rohn

.I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the
ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.
-Anthony Robbins

Everything Happens For The Good

There was once a King who had a wise advisor.

The advisor followed the King everywhere, and his favorite advice was, “Everything happens for the good”. One day the King went hunting and had a little accident. He shot an arrow at his own foot and was injured. He asked the advisor what he thought about the accident, to which the advisor replied, “Everything happens for the good”. This time the King was really upset and ordered for his advisor to be put in prison. The King asked his advisor, “Now, what do you think?” The advisor again replied, “Everything happens for the good”. So the advisor remained in prison.

The King later went on a hunting trip, this time without the advisor. The King was then captured by some cannibals. He was taken to the cannibals' camp where he was to be the evening meal for the cannibals. Before putting him into the cooking pot he was thoroughly inspected. The cannibals saw the wound on the King’s foot and decided to throw him back into the jungle. According to the cannibals' tradition, they would not eat anything that was imperfect. As a result the King was spared. The King suddenly realized what his advisor said was true. The advisor also escaped death because had he not been in prison, he would have followed the King on the hunting trip, and would have ended up in the cooking pot.

My Dog Can Walk On Water

There was a hunter who came into the possession of a special bird dog.

The dog was the only one of its kind, because it can walk on water. One day he invited a friend to go hunting with him so that he could show off his prized possession. After some time, they shot a few ducks, which fell into the river. The man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. The dog ran on water to fetch the birds. The man was expecting a compliment about the amazing dog, but did not receive it. Being curious, he asked his friend if the friend had noticed anything unusual about the dog. The friend replied, “Yes, I did see something unusual about your dog.

Your dog can’t swim!"


This is the story of Robby. He was a young boy wholived with his elderly mother. His mother wanted him tolearn how to play the piano because she longed to hearher son play for her. She sent her son to a pianoteacher who took Robby in under her guidance. However,there was one small problem because Robby was notmusically inclined and therefore was very slow inlearning. The teacher did not have much faith in theboy because of his weakness. The mother was veryenthusiastic and every week she would send Robby to theteacher.
One day Robby stopped attending the piano lessons. Theteacher thought that he had given up and in fact shewas quite pleased since she did not give much hope toRobby. Not long after, the piano teacher was given thetask to organize a piano concert in town. She sent outcirculars to invite the students and public to attendthe event. Suddenly, she received a call from Robby whooffered to take part in the concert. The teacher toldRobby that he was not good enough and that he was nolonger a student since he had stopped coming forlessons. Robby begged her to give him a chance andpromised that he would not let her down.
Finally, she gave in and she put him to play last,hoping that he will change his mind at the last minute.When the big day came, the hall was packed and thechildren gave their best performance. Finally, it wasRobby’s turn to play and as his name was announced, hewalked in. He was not in proper attire and his hair wasnot properly groomed. The teacher was really nervoussince Robby’s performance could spoil the wholeevening’s brilliant performance. As Robby startedplaying the crowd became silent and was amazed at theskill of this little boy. In fact, he gave the bestperformance of the evening. At the end of hispresentation the crowd and the piano teacher gave him astanding ovation.The crowd asked Robby how he managed to play sobrilliantly. With a microphone in front of him, hesaid, “I was not able to attend the weekly pianolessons as there was no one to send me because mymother was sick with cancer. She just passed away thismorning and I wanted her to hear me play. You see, thisis the first time she is able to hear me play becausewhen she was alive she was deaf and now I know she islistening to me. I have to play my best for her!”


We all know the story of David and Goliath. There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children in the village. One day, a 17-year old shepherd boy came to visit his brothers and asked , “ Why don’t you stand up and fight the giant?”The brothers were terrified and they replied, “ Don’t you see he is too big to hit?” But David said, “no, he is not too big hit, but he is too big too miss.” The rest is history. We all know what happened . David killed the giant with a sling . same giant , different perception.


This is my prayer to thee, my Lord—
strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.
Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.
Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength to Thy will with love.


For all that God, in mercy, sends;
For health and children, home and friends:
For comfort in the time of need
For every kindly word and deed
For happy thoughts and holy talk,
For Guidance in our daily walk—
For everything GIVE THANKS!


Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, let me sow pardon;
Where there is doubt, let me sow faith;
Where there is despair, let me sow hope;
Where there is discord, let me sow unity;
Where there is darkness, let me sow light and
Where there is sadness, let me sow joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not seek so much
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying to the little self
That we are born to eternal life.

—St. Francis of Assisi


Little drops of water
Make the mighty ocean.
Little grains of sand
Make this beautiful land.
Little moments
Make the mighty ages.
Little pies and farthings
Make millions and crores.
Little mistakes
Little unkind acts
Will make you a devil.
Little words of love,
Little acts of kindness,
Little good thoughts
Will make you a saint.

- Swami Sivananda


Life is a gift to be used every day.
Not to be smothered and hidden away,
It isn’t a thing to be stored in the chest
Where you gather your keepsakes and treasure your best;
It isn’t a joy to be sipped now and then
And promptly put back in a dark place again.
Life is a Gift that the humblest may boast of
And one that the humblest may well make the most of.
Get out and live it each hour of the day
Wear it and use it as much as you may
Don’t keep it in niches and corners and grooves,
You’ll find that in service ‘its beauty improve.
- Edgar A. Guest


“Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
The day is almost over and its toiling is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word to you?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that’s slipping fast,
That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Did you waste the day, or lose it?
Was it well or sorely spent?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?
Does the man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?
Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God will say, you have earned one
more tomorrow by the work you did today?”

- John Hall


O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss-Absolute).
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.
Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner spiritual strength
To resist temptations and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust; greed, hatred, anger and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with divine virtues.
Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms.
Let us ever remember Thee.
Let us ever sing Thy glories.
Let Thy name be ever on our lips.
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.

Swami Sivananda


Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain,
Laughter and pleasure, teardrops and pain,
All days can’t be bright, but it’s certainly true,
There was never
a cloud the sun didn’t shine through—
So just keep on smiling whatever betide you,
Secure in the knowledge God is always beside you,
And you’ll find when you smile
your day will be brighter
And all of your burdens will seem so much lighter—
For each time you smile you will find it true
Somebody, Somewhere will Smile Back At You,
And nothing on earth can make life more worthwhile
Than the sunshine and warmth of a Beautiful Smile.

- Helen Steiner Rice


God grant me
the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change
courage to change
the things I can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr


1. Serve. Love. Give. Meditate. Realise.
2. Be Good. Do Good.
3. Enquire ‘Who am I?’ Know the Self and be free.
4. Detach. Attach. D.I.N. (Do It Now)
5. Adapt, Adjust and Accommodate.
6. Bear insult. Bear injury. Highest Sadhana.
7. Simplify. Purify. Intensify.
8. Seek, Find, Enter and Rest.
9. Devote, Dedicate and Dissolve.
10. Examine, Analyse and Know.
11. Enquire, Discover and Recover.
12. Cooperate, Collaborate and Coordinate.
13. Devotion, Dedication and Discipline.
14. Discrimination, Dispassion and Determination.
15. Aspiration, Renunciation and Meditation.
16. Service, Sacrifice and Sublimation.
17. Solitude, Seclusion and Silence.
18. Purification. Concentration. Reflection. Meditation.
19. Illumination, Identification, Absorption and Salvation.
20. Energise. Galvanise. Vitalise.
21. Excel in service. Expand in love. Advance in knowledge.
22. Pray. Aspire. Inspire.

Select, O aspirants, any one of these keys, open the chambers of thy heart and enter the
abode of Bliss and rest peacefully for ever.

May Lord bless you.


God made the world with a heartful of love,
Then He looked down from Heaven above,
And saw that we all need a helping hand,
Someone to share with, who’ll understand.
He made special people to see us through
The glad times and the sad times, too;
A person on whom we can always depend,
Someone we can call a friend.
God made friends so we’ll carry a part
Of His perfect love in all our hearts
Jill Wolf

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you can.
John Wesley


Adorable Presence !
Thou Who art within and without, above and below and all around, Thou Who art
interpenetrating the very cells of our beings, Thou Who art the Eye of our eyes, the Ear of our ears,
the Heart of our hearts, the Mind of our minds, the Breath of our breaths, the Life of our lives and the
Soul of our souls, Bless us, Dear God, to be aware of Thy Presence, now and here. This is all that we
ask of Thee.
May all of us be aware of Thy Presence in the East and the West, in the North and the South!
May Peace and Goodwill abide among individuals as well as communities and nations! This is our
earnest Prayer.
Swami Omkar

Are You an Emerging Champion?

Are you an Emerging Winner?

You already know if you are an emerging winner. You can feel the fire and excitement of pursuing what you want. And you know that the only thing that can stop you is your own beliefs. Probably you're also discovering the amazing power of networking with other winners and emerging winners. There is a reason we are judged by the company we keep – because responding to that company helps mold our own behavior and responses to life.
And chances are you are also in process of creating your own way in the world of business – or are seriously thinking of doing so. This is one of the common hallmarks of emerging winners, and is an exciting part of their path.

Are you a Potential Winner?

Potential winners are easily identifiable. They are always searching. They read self-help books, attend motivational seminars, and buy and listen to inspirational tapes -- believing sooner or later they will figure out how to create the life they desire.They realize they have untapped talents and potentials, but may not have yet discovered how to convert their beliefs into actions!

Are you a potential winner? Your transition from being a potential winner to an emerging winner is along the path of action.
The most empowering thing to do is this: Break out of your comfort zone, and take action to move your life to the next level of accomplishment.
Growth involves change. And let’s face it, change is sometimes uncomfortable. Moving from the *theory* of personal transformation to the *action* of personal transformation will cause some turbulence in your life.
Just identify at least one pressing reason why you cannot just yield to your fears. Remind yourself of why you want to change. Sometimes avoidance of a undesirable negative condition can be even more powerful than longing for a positive change. Use that reason to drive yourself past your fear and doubt.

Three Things You Must Know to Attract Success

Everyone wants success. Some people spend their every waking moment pursuing it, to the detriment of all else. For others, attaining success seems impossible. They conclude that it is destined for a select few. The rest of us are to remain “content with such things as we have”. Having it all is not “in our stars”.

However, the above assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth. When you strive for success with the wrong assumptions, you will never reach it.It’s like traveling somewhere with the wrong map.

Some people says that, “Success is a process, not an event,” “a journey, not a destination.”Some describes it as “…a condition that must be attracted not pursued.”Do you see the pattern?
“…a process, not an event.”
“…a journey, not a destination.”
“…a condition that must be attracted not pursued.”

You can’t hurry success, catch it, or find it by chance. You can’t inherit it, gate-crash on it, or take it from some one else.Success is something you must work hard and long to earn, for yourself. It has a price, sometimes a very high one. And most people aren’t really and truly ready to pay that price, to do what success demands.If success has eluded you so far, perhaps you should try changing your assumptions.You need to accept that:

(1) You must go through a growing process, which will require time and patience, in order to achieve success. There are no short cuts. Anything else is a temporary illusion.Success that will remain with you, and bring you joy rather than sorrow, requires a learning process, a time to grow out of old habits and into new ones, a time to learn what works and what doesn’t.And you must pay your dues, in full, in advance!So don’t be in a hurry.

(2) You will need to acquire traits and skills that attract it.What does success mean to you? Identify, in specific terms, what you regard as success. What traits or skills will you need to achieve this goal? Set clear, written goals.Devise plans to acquire the needed traits and skills. Learn to do what you need to do, to get where you want to go.What kinds of people have what you want? What do they do, or not do, that helps them get and keep it?If you do what they do and avoid what they avoid, there’s a good chance that you will end up with what they have.Find 2 or 3 people who have what you want. Write down the habits that have made them successful and resolve to copy them.

Starting now!

This is called mentoring, learning from others who have arrived where you want to go.Mentoring can cut out the heart-aches of trial and error. A mentor can keep you focused and on track.Once you learn to do what it takes, you qualify. And when you qualify, success comes looking for you. You just can’t be denied!What a relief from the days when you ran after it! You fulfill the requirements and attract success to yourself. Opportunities open up to you, and when they do, they find you ready to grasp them.

(3) You must be ready to travel the road to success, oftentimes alone. It’s been said that, “At some point in time, the pursuit of your goals becomes secondary and what you have become in the process… what is most important. It’s not the distance you go…so much as the going itself” .
Parents, remember when you tried to teach your children to crawl? You put their favorite toy in front of them and teased them forward, inch by inch. They were after the toy, which kept them motivated.
But you wanted to strengthen their muscles and teach them a new skill. When they became good at reaching the toy, they had learned to crawl. After that, they could reach any destination they wanted, without you and the toy!
The DESTINATION was less important. They became champion crawlers in the PROCESS! That’s what the journey to success does to you. It causes you to learn habits and skills that make you “full of success”, or “successful”.
Because you have now mastered the skills and the process, you can keep on reproducing success. You now have what it takes. But if you try to “gate-crash”, you don’t get to learn the process and the skills.

Go out there today and start attracting success.


There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colors of balloons ,including red, yellow , blue and green. Whenever business was slow ,he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air and when the children saw it go up, they all wanted to buy one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon and his sales would go up again. He continued this process all day . One morning ,he felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and saw a little boy who asked,‘‘If you release a black balloon ,would that also fly? Moved by the boy’s concern , the man replied with empathy, “son, it is not the color of the balloon , it is what is inside you that makes you go up.”

Motivational & Success Thinking !

Those who want milk don't just sit in a field and wait for a cow to back up to them.

I love the above statement. I heard it from great leader & it has always stuck with me. It is funny but it is true. Sad to say, many people join a eBIZ & think that is all they need to do. There are always people hyping the 'No Work Required' business opportunity. Don't be fooled by that. There is no such thing. If you don't tell people about your business, how will they know?
'You cannot change your thoughts without changing your life. In either direction. Fortunately, you can pick the direction.'
It is common for people to think that they will attract what they want. Unfortunately, this is not true. You actually attract what you are. And of course, you are what you think about.In the real world, the only thing that matters are the results that you produce and these results ultimately stem from your thinking. You can not produce something that is not within you (seed).

Apple seeds do not produce oranges
Cows do not produce horses
Every seed must produces after it own kind
The Real Question that needs to be answered is ... 'How Do I Get Extremely Focused On Purpose?' Here are some strategies & techniques that you can use immediately to get more focus on the things that you desire
i.e. spiritual, financial, or health and not the things you do not desire


*the richest people in the world look for and build network,while the rest of us look for work.

* if you think... you can, if you think you cant, you are right

*anything that can be conceived and believed can be achieved.

*opportunities are blessings of god but only for those people who avail them.

*start by doing what is necessary,then what is possible,suddenly you are doing the impossible.

*in every difficult situation there lies an opportunity.

*winners never quit and quitters never win.

*suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.

*nothing worthwhile in life comes without a struggle. triumphs dont come without effort.

*no technology can ever match determination.

*winners look for opportunities,while losers look for security.

Think Good-Feel Good-Mantra For Success

Most of us are very poor critics of ourselves. We can easily criticize others and discover what is wrong with them, and we can easily build up an argument of our own side of the situation; but it is a far more difficult thing to be a self-critic-to take the situation that comes into our life and sit down with it frankly and say: "What did I do, or what have I said, that has contributed to this situation?"

There is not a person reading this page who is living up to his or her own possibilities. If you feel in a pretty much of a chaos, frustrated, lots of trouble and worry, just turn the searchlight on yourself and you will discover an available source of power. When you open up the channels and the avenues for that power, it will flood your soul and you will find yourself developing strength and poise, a solidarity, a feeling of security, that nothing on earth can shake!

Is there jealousy in your heart? Is there envy? Opposition? Don't expect a miracle if you retain an obstacle. There is some disciplining you must do. You have got to clear out the old festering sores of your heart. Perhaps you have lied about someone; perhaps you have been unkind; perhaps you have been slandered and gossiped. Perhaps you have been "little" when you should have been "big".

How can we transmit our ideals into action so that these ideals can have sway in our lives? Well, we have to begin in our own hearts. When we clear away all the clutters up the channels, the heart and mind are cleansed, the head becomes rarified and the old jealousies, animosities and hatreds are uprooted, and then, though trouble may come in and flood and encompass our lives, there still is a power that reveals our own possibilities. The mere fact that none of us is living up to his best does not predicate that we never can.

Set no barriers for yourself. Admit no barricades or obstacles. Anything in the way? Look at it, examine it, analyze your relationship to the self-construction of it, clean up your own life and there will be an influx of that power to which there is no limit-unlimited you! You are unlimited! There is no limit for you!

You Have Ambition.
You have a Goal.
Now you have a way
to make it Happen.

Take a challenge everyday ...

Take a challenge everyday
That tomorrow should be better than today.
When I fight my innerself, I do lose battles sometime
But the war with myself, is what I win everytime.

I crib not, about what is gone
I forget the nights, start afresh every dawn.
Present, is what, I create and enjoy
Content am I, like a child with his toy.

What it is! matters, not to me
Coz I believe to see what can be.
Not blaming others, faults in me, is what I see
Coz I believe if it is to be it is up to me.

I just not know how to smile
But I believe in spreading a smile.
Its not easy to spread a smile,
For this, one needs to walk an extra mile.

Step by step, step by step, is how I tread the path
In sea of failures, to reach success, I took a bath
The fun lay, not in the destination
But journey itself was a fascination.

Nothing came free, but with success in mind
I payed the price, not just money, but in every kind.
What it is to successful, had I known
To reach it, double the efforts, would I have sown.

I counted not the seeds in a fruit
But counted the fruits that came from every root.
I hit the iron when it was hot
But ridicule in return is all I got.


When I touched the pinnacles, I saw the viewpoints alter
Concern in return for a little hard work, I think was a good barter…
Concern in return for a little hard work, I thought was a good barter…

By Mr. Sujit Lalwani

Are You the "Motivator" ???

We're all aware of how important teamwork is and how an inspired team, working together toward a clearly defined goal, can accomplish tremendous results. But how do you get all co-workers to pull together and realize they are a vital link in a much bigger picture?

Remember that individuals make a team. Individual contributions add up to the greater whole. Ask for the team's ideas and suggestions and base specific goals on these. Be sure each team member understands his/her role in the overall plan.

Communicate clearly. Present information in an organized, easy-to-follow way. Make it clear; communication within the group is a two-way process. Acknowledge everyone's thoughts, ideas and fears equally. And above all, be honest.

Be a good example. Maintain firm, fair and clearly understood standards. Tackle unpleasant tasks as soon as possible. If criticism is necessary, make it constructive. Keep emotions in check.

Accept change. Discuss changes - also suggested changes - with your team thoroughly. Reassure team players that the changes are positive, clearly pointing out the benefits. Encourage all members to express their feelings about what's happening and tend to wounded egos appropriately.

Praise with specifics. Focus on performance & behavior and not on the person. Do it regularly

How To Love Yourself

Stop All Criticism - Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

Don't Scare Yourself - Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It's a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure , and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

Be Gentle And Kind And Patient - Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

Be Kind To Your Mind - Self hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts.

Praise Yourself - Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

Support Yourself - Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to upline leaders and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

Be Loving To Your Negatives - Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now, you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So, lovingly release the old negative patterns.

Mirror Work - Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a day say: "I love you, I really love you."

Love Yourself .. Do It Now - Begin now -- and do the best you can.


Do you want something ? -- Will you pay the price?

The great sin -- Gossip.

The great crippler -- Fear.

The greatest mistake -- Giving up.

The most satisfying experience -- Doing your duty first.

The best action -- Keep the mind clear and judgment good.

The greatest blessing -- Good health.

The biggest fool -- The man who lies to himself.

The great gamble -- Substituting hope for facts.

The most certain thing in life -- Change.

The greatest joy -- Being needed.

The cleverest man -- The one who does what he thinks is right.

The most potent force -- Positive thinking.

The greatest opportunity -- The next one.

The greatest thought -- God.

The greatest victory -- Victory over self.

The best play -- Successful work.

The greatest handicap -- Egotism.

The most expensive indulgence -- Hate.

The most dangerous man -- The liar

The most ridiculous trait -- False pride.

The greatest loss -- Loss of self confidence.

The greatest need -- Common sense.



Wats S.T.U.D.Y ........ it means
s- sitting,
t- talking,
u- unlimited ,
d- dream,
y- yawning,
..... so study hard....
Papers ki roti , notes ka anachar, tubelight ki kirne, question o ka bahar, teachers ki dusmani, dosto ki pyaar, Mubarak ho aapko exams ka taohar.
Msg: a cigrate shortns ur life by 2 min, a bear by 4 min, but a lecture shortns ur lifde by 1 hour! So don’t attend lectures . Spread the msg of bunk awareness.
In how many days can a 1000 pages book be read?
Writer : 6 months
Doctor : 2 months
Lwayer : 1 month
Student : 1 night
Before the exam !!!
Engg student : exam kab hai ???
Exams ki 4 din pahele syllabus dekha, toh yaad aaya kuch toh huya hai, kuch ho gaya hai. But exam ke din paper dekha toh yaad aaya , sab kuch alag hai, sab kuch naya hai!!!
U r opposite 2 me, when i say tea , u say coffee. When i say white , u say black. When i go to dental hospital, u go to mental hospital. Then i’m back but u r still there.


Sallu ka six packas abs dekha, saharuk ka v six packs dekha, amir kit oh eight packs dekha, john ki hot & sexy body dekha, kareena ki zero figure dekha, par tumara SMS kab dekha? Kab?
Yaad karte hai tumhe tanhai me , dil duba hai gam-o ki gairai me, humhe math dundo duniya ki vir me, hum milenge tumse phir kisi Free sms ki scheme me.


Watan hamara na chor paye koi, rista hamara na tor paaye koi, dil hamara ek hai ek hai hamari jaan, Hindustan hamara hai hum hai iski shaan. Jai hind!
On independence day – heres wising our dreams of a new tomorrow come true for us . jai Hind!
This is our independence day! Freedom is not a right but a feeling ! lets be proud to say aloud we are Indians! Let us get together & celebrate our freedom.


“ LONG LIVE PAPA “ send this ti 10 people(+me) and get a long life for ur papa, if u luv him , i know u’ll do ... i too was not able to ignore..... Happy fathers day...


Bangle bachor shes din phuria galo. Suru holo natun bachor . sundar hok sarthak hok natun bachor . amar suvecha tomar sathe roilo . suvo poila boisakh.
A relaxed mind , a peaceful soul, a joyful spirit, a healthy body, heartful of love.. all thease are my prayers for u ... shubho novoborsho to u & ur family.


5 lovely words : I will top my class.
4 pleasant words : I will work hard.
3 sweet words : I love studying.
2 special words : My books.
1 Important words : Later!
Mere sms nehi mile
Toh ab v sms nehi milegi !!!
You r a great fool! Ha ! ha ! ha!
My magic try this : Go 2 write msg , activate dictionary mode then type these numbers – 277451366514612382623 & then read . just try pls ..
= April fool in advance .


As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may god open the heavens to shower on u lots of love & happiness to make ur life a meaningful one.
Rain is not only drop of water , it is the love of sky for earth. They never meet each other , but sends love this way. Enjoy the LOVE of NATURE.


Bandhu mane khelar sathi, bandhu mane rag, bondhu mane dukhe sukhe soman vag, bondhu mane halka hasi, choker kone jol, bondhu mane rat dupure hotat miskol.
What makes friends special is the way each 1 remembers the other when they r apart , they miss the talks, the laughes, and the times they were togher. “ Life changes , Memmories don’t! “
Chand k paas lakhob sitare honge – magar sitaro k paas ek hi chand hai- apke paas hum jaisa lakh honge – magar hamare paas aap jaisa Dost ek hi hai.
Aaj newspaper me para ki dosto ko sms karnese dil ki bimari ho sakti hai, isliye aaj se bandh....!! kiya SMS ? nahi re baba! Newspaper parna bandh!
Hum kucvh is tarase dosti nibhayenge. Naukri na milito blkul nehi ghabrayenge, dono station par chai ki dukan lagayenge, tum chai banana hum “chai chai “ chilayenge.
15 kg smile+ 10 kg hurtness+ 18 kg love+ 20 kg sookh-dookho share + 50 kg unlimited masti = dimag khali hai kiya? It’s means aap jaisa perfect friend ki personality.
People live, people die, people laugh, people cry, some give up, some’ll try. Some say hi, some say bye. Others may 4get 2 disturb u , but how can i ?
7 is a great no . u know why? 7 colours make rainbow , 7 sur make music, 7 days make a week, 7 round make life partner & most precious thing 7 letters make ‘ friend ‘.
Lovely place – Kasmir,
Lovely day – 14th feb,
Lovely organ – Heart,
Lovely monument – Taj Mahal,
Lovely gift – Rose,
Lovely friend – You.
Bandhu ami achi sate, khuje dekho asepase, Jodi amay pore mone, cheye dekho dur gagane. Bondhu tumi theko vaalo, jeebone asuk sudhui aalo.
True friends see u true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad wen ur dreams come true,
best of all they don't judge,

they simply luv u coz u r u
My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options
left....I.C.U or......U C me
We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can sum up
our relationship in those three words: U R Lucky
A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like the air.
Sometimes silent but always around u. Gud Morning
Few Relations In Earth Never Die. Wanna know wht is it?
Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a
friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless
God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a gud friend
& chance is to have a best one like U
The words that escape a friend's mouth r: I'll be there when u say u need me.
But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: I'll be there...
whether u say u need
me or not
If time slips away without a word from me, U don't hv 2 worry about our
friendship coz feelings,
beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!
Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have
a friend like u.Why
should only I suffer!


Golden words of martin luther king : if u can’t fly, run.. if u can’t run, walk.. if u can’t walk, crawl.. but whatever u do , keep on moving towards ur goal. Good morning.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more & become more, then you are a leader . so, be a leader this new year. Good morning.
In this world people will always throw stones in the path of ur success, it depends on you what you make from them, a wall or a bridge – Good Morning.